Picking myself up again.....
So It wasnt that long ago that I decided it was time to get off my ass and lose weight. Got off to a great start and then I got a job. I tried for a little while to do it all. Work, go to the gym, be a friend to too many people, trying to do too much and then it all kinda slowly started to fall apart. I didnt make it to the gym and finally quit going. Then I started smoking again. Pretty soon I didnt care what I was eating or how much. I cant even tell you how much weight i gained back. The lowest I got down to is 207. I think I am back up to 220 to maybe 222. I still hate being overweight and I know that is what is holding me back. I did manage to give quitting smoking another shot, and Im doing well at day 8 as of now.
I hate saying "my new years resolution is to............." but Tis the season. I have to do this. I am really tired of feeling this way both emotionally and physically.
I think I am going to go to Weight Watchers and Join the meetings. I did really well when I was going to meetings and I will also get the materials for their new Points Plus Plan. So I think thats part of the plan. I am also not going to go out to the bar as much for a little while, maybe a few months.
I really need to avoid that situation until I have a better handle on not smoking.
So sorry for falling off the blog wagon, the weight loss wagon, the smoking wagon. Time to put a little effort back in to controlling my baser urges, and becoming the person I really want to be.
War is coming!
As you know, I love to play Medieval and the largest event in the Kingdom of Atenveldt (AZ), Estrella War, is in less than 30 days! Woo hoo! I got more outfits made and have been preparing for war. Planning time off at work and getting garb made. Got me several new outfits with a more Celtic theme. Gonna explore my options in creating a Persona in that culture. Should be fun. It will be interesting figuring out the Scottish/Irish ways. Then of course there is planning out my food, drinking, and staying on a weight loss plan while camping. Should be fun.
Keeping me Accountable:
8 days no cigarettes, will go to WW meeting on Tues, and no ladies night on wed for this coming week so as to help me stay true in the no smoking process.