Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ramble on....

Slow and steady wins the race. 
Often we get in a hurry to lose the weight and in that rush disappointment ensues and we just lose focus. I am really trying hard not to lose focus 13 pounds in 13 weeks is a good average. I keep telling myself that. I can be such a player though. I am selfish. I know sacrifice is key and let me tell you I have not given up anything. I still drink alcohol, I still eat pizza, and I still think that if I gave up on these for a while my loss would get better. I could also exercise more too. Here is also where the selfishness comes in, my boyfriend. sigh. I spend an awful lot of time with him and I sacrifice my exercise time to spend with him. I know I know I could ask him to exercise with me and I'm sure we could get creative with it. I also know he is more than willing to engage, I guess what it really boils down to is me. I Just need to Do It!
Like right now I have a brand new bike that is sitting in the back yard that I have ridden less than 5 times since I bought it. I really need to plan this out more. It is only getting hotter out there. I haven't been out for a walk in over 2 weeks now too. On the other hand Highlands War is coming up and I know that will involve lots of walking and hopefully some dancing. I am also sure my diet will be in more control there as well as I will only be eating what I bring. I am usually good about my own food. I only buy stuff that is good for me. Usually it's the people I am surrounded by that introduce the "bad choices" into my day. Such as the "drug rep's" bringing pastries and leaving them on my desk. My roommates bringing Cakes and Cookies and leaving them on the counter. Friends with their come over we are BBQing ribs. I mean I am truly a food lover and who doesn't like BBQ Ribs? There are days that it can be really hard to stick to the plan. Especially in my busy social life. This is the first weekend in over two months that I am actually home being lazy and doing absolutely nothing but indulging in a truly enticing book. Ah it has felt lovely!
I have not had one of these in quite some time. Yes there have been men in my life coming and going but none that I took seriously. Yup I said it, None that "I" took seriously. 
I am very protective of my heart. One counselor told me one time "You don't build walls, no that would be to boring for you. You sit on a pile of bricks and when someone gets close enough and threatens you, You throw Bricks."
I had to agree. I was violently reactive at that time in my life. I don't believe I throw the bricks any more though I don't believe I have abandoned them entirely either. I think now I just get quiet for awhile and then address the issue when I am ready. Gosh I grew up! Crap when did that happen?!
So having a boyfriend has been quite a learning experience. Though I think this is a good one as we seem to be pretty compatible in lots of ways. He says he likes that there are no guessing games with me, which I like. I like that I can say anything to him. Like "go away" and he does without getting all butt hurt about it.  We tend to spend every free moment with each other and that I know will change as we grow closer. Someone said about us recently that we were in the "honeymoon stage" still, Yeah she's right we are. I like it! 
So I have Rambled on not sure I said anything too awful interesting but it's nice to put down my thoughts sometimes. Thanks for listening......

Monday, May 7, 2012

Lost again!

 2 pounds
That is no small feat my friends. It seemed like I overdid it when I shouldn't have and that I didn't do enough exercise and yet the scale was kind. I am glad because some days you just want to have that certain something and you know you shouldn't, well I gave in a couple of times eating Pan Pizza for one. I have no idea why  I lost weight but I did. 
Is it really that hard to believe?
I definitely have changed my habits and I am certainly mindful of what I am doing even when I make a choice to eat something I probably shouldn't so the long term mindset is kicking in for sure. I also noticed this week that I am able to stop myself from going super overboard and that I am able to keep the portion sizes down and still feel satisfied. So even though It felt like I did bad I guess it truly is setting in to be a habit heading towards a lifestyle.  I went to a couple of parties and on all of the occasions I made sure to bring healthy choices whether it was fruit tray, veggie tray, and lite beers. That way I always had something good to choose from. I also made good choices at the bar, picking Bloody Mary's instead of dark beer or something else high in sugar or calories. I know I must have gotten in some exercise swimming around the pool playing with my friends that I did not account for I guess all in all I am thinking about things and making better decisions and that It's not impossible to believe I could lose the 2 pounds this week. I do know that it is not going to get any easier though and that I need to keep focused if I am going to reach my goal. The more weight I lose the less food I get to consume in order to lose. That means soon enough the alcohol consumption is going to have to be cut back even more. I'm OK with that. I think! ha ha ha!
Measuring up
So way back when I started this journey before I fell off the proverbial wagon, I took measurements of my arms, thighs, waist, bust and hips. I am undecided whether or not to use those as my starting point now, or just remeasure. I did those measurements when I was at my heaviest and technically that is where this journey started. I just wonder if It would just be wise to start with my measurements from now. hmmm. Any thoughts? Out with the old and in with the new? What say you? Is anybody reading this.....LOL
Until next time...............