Sunday, November 17, 2013

And the Journey begins AGAIN! Take 3 or is it 4? jeez

Ain't THAT the truth!
So yeah, it's been awhile since I wrote a blog, bothered to care about my health, and/or try to lose weight.  So, here I am, my last weight at the Dr's office was 230. My Fasting blood sugar was 201 and my Hemoglobin A1c was 9.7 YIKES! To top that all off I measured my waist and it is a blazing 49" inches. Total Cholesterol was 218, Triglycerides 276, LDL's 174. REALLY!?! I have no one to blame but myself. Dr. B has added on a new medication to help bring my blood sugars down too.
I should say so. I got off my ass and went to the gym today. We have a pretty nice one on property and it's free. So no excuses. I am making the commitment to do better starting today.
Goals for this week: 
  1. I will workout 30 minutes on the elliptical on sunday, wednesday, and saturday.
  2. I will input my food intake into Sparkpeople and try to stay within my alloted Calories everyday.
  3. I will take a fasting blood sugar every morning and keep a record of it.
  4. I will come back every Sunday from here forward and blog on my progress good or bad. 
Ok there I did it, I made some goals. Attainable ones me thinks. I'll be back in a week and let you all know how it goes!

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